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Events 20 Sep 2024 to 26 Sep 2024

Events 20 Sep 2024 to 20 Oct 2024

24   results  of 31 members    with


view member profile "Truro RFC"

Truro RFC

Rugby Club
1 Activity
0 Credits

Truro Rugby Football club was formed in 1884 and is one of Cornwall's oldest rugby clubs based in the south eastern corner of the city of Truro at the top of St Clements Hill. The club's colours are royal blue and amber, they currently field Senior 1 ... 

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view member profile "Surfers Against Sewage"

Surfers Against Sewage

1 Activity
0 Credits

We are Ocean Activists. We are the voice of the ocean. Campaigning for a thriving ocean, thriving people.


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view member profile "Joe Woolf"

Joe Woolf

Researcher at T4G. Uni Student.
2 Activities
1 Credit

Hi I'm Joe, I am a waiter at a hotel but also a researcher for Time4Good. I am a uni student who enjoys surfing.


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view member profile "Zosia Brett"

Zosia Brett

Artist and mother of three
0 Credits

I am passionate about art and nature. My childhood home was filled with canvases, fabric, sewing machines, spinning wheels and other artistic materials. I often made my own clothes, inspired by generations of seamstresses, my great grandmother havin ... 

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view member profile "Geoff Muskett"

Geoff Muskett

Handball player
0 Credits


view member profile "Plymouth Environment Group"

Plymouth Environment Group

Environment Group
2 Activities
0 Credits

This is the Plymouth Environment Group account


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view member profile "Southway Community Group"

Southway Community Group

Community Group
2 Activities
0 Credits

The Southway Community Group account


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view member profile "Plymouth PIE club"

Plymouth PIE club

2 Activities
0 Credits

The Plymouth PIE club Account


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view member profile "Helen Morgan"

Helen Morgan

0 Credits

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It h ... 

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view member profile "Mind Devon"

Mind Devon

3 Activities
0 Credits

Mind Devon charity account


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view member profile "Kathryn Woolf"

Kathryn Woolf

Glastonbury festival clean up volunteers group leader
1 Connection
0 Credits

Hello. I lead the Glastonbury clean up group.


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view member profile "Jayne Jones"

Jayne Jones

Masters student at Plymouth Uni. Massive Swifty.
0 Credits


view member profile "Harmit Chavda"

Harmit Chavda

Website Developer
0 Credits

This is my test account.


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view member profile "Woolfie"


Founder & CEO of Made Open
3 Activities
1 Connection
0 Credits


view member profile "Philip"
2 badges


Basketball player
6 Activities
10 Credits

Hello I'm Phil


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view member profile "Richard"


Platform Developer
2 Credits

This is a test, test I tell you This is a test, test I tell you This is a test, test I tell you This is a test, test I tell you This is a test, test I tell you This is a test, test I tell you This is a test, test I tell you This is a test, test I tel ... 

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view member profile "Robert Woolf"
2 badges

Robert Woolf

Service Designer

Surf legend ... 

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view member profile "VActivePerson"


I'm the very active person
2 Activities
10.5 Credits

This is the account for the very active person ... 

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view member profile "Shannah Webb"

Shannah Webb

T4G Buddy
6.5 Credits

I am a T4G buddy.


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view member profile "AdminBitActive"


I'm the Slightly Active Admin
4 Credits


view member profile "Citizens Advice Plymouth"

Citizens Advice Plymouth

I'm the active admin
11 Activities
2 Connections
1968.25 Credits

Welcome to Citizens Advice Plymouth, we’re here to help. The Citizens Advice service helps people to resolve their problems. As the UK’s largest advice provider we are equipped to deal with any issue, from anyone, spanning de ... 

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view member profile "InactiveGroup"


I'm the inactive group
2 Credits

This is the account for inactive group ... 

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view member profile "Sarah Warren"

Sarah Warren

I'm the active person
14.5 Credits

This is the account for the active person


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view member profile "Geoff Muskett"
3 badges

Geoff Muskett

Co-founder & CEO of Time4Good

Former gnome painter, turned designer, now CEO of Time4Good.


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